Sunday, October 08, 2006


Brazil won yesterday’s match 4-0.

I was reading the newspaper this morning, and was surprised to find that there is quite a high level of freedom here. Check this from today's Arab Times (a Kuwaiti newspaper):

“…anyone who has read the news objectively and rationally will inevitably conclude that the reform slogans raised by the (Kuwaiti) MPs, are just material for local consumption and a vehicle for blackmailing senior officials in a bid for personal benefits.”

I don’t know anything about the background to this article, but I've never seen a UAE newspaper publish an article which is that critical of MPs.


Blogger Resto said...

Good point!

3:28 AM  
Blogger antihero said...


welcome to Kuwait

critical of the MPs?!
you'll find out soon enough.. if you read Arabic newspapers.. that people freely are critical of the monarchy, Al-Sabah family. In fact the hassle and the whole issue with the succession of the deceased Amir in Febuary was about Kuwaiti people voting to remove the appointed Amir and replace him with the current Sheikh Sabah.

If you read the Orange blogs, you'll find that Kuwaiti people enjoy a space of freedom of speech that is rarely enjoyed by Arabs or neighboring countries.
I could go on and on about this :D

like the blog.. i guess i'm going to be a regular

8:04 AM  
Blogger Resto said...

Hi Antihero,

Well, I really never expected the Royal Family in Kuwait would tolerate any criticism.I wish I could understand Arabic and read the papers to see.

What are the orange blogs?

1:46 AM  
Blogger antihero said...

The Orange movement are a gathering of reformists consisting of Student associations, societies and individuals. How it started is a long story, but it now represents a big wave of reform in Kuwait. One of their goals is to fight corruption in all its forms as created and tolerated by the government; thus their latest win which was to reduce the number of electoral districts from 25 to 5.

You can find some of their blogs on


11:41 AM  

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