Thursday, November 02, 2006

Capital cities, Mystery Creatures...

I had a bit of a boring week and spent a lot of time surfing the net and thinking of some random articles on wikipedia to look up. I got this idea to memorise the capital city of every country in the world. There's really not much point in it, but maybe if I meet someone from an obscure country like Burkina Faso, I can say to them, so are you from the capital, Ouagadogou? And they'll look at me like, wow, you know the capital?!

Or maybe they'll just answer yes or no in an indifferent way...

Anyway, Ouagadogou is the first capital I've memorised. I'll try to memorise two capitals everyday from now on. The other one I learned today is Lilongwe, the capital of Malawi, where Madonna adoped a child from.
There's news of some sea creature attacking people in the waters in Dubai. It started off with some guy writing a letter to 7days about how he went to the beach and felt something biting his ankle which led to extreme bleeding and pain and he ended up in hospital. Someone else then wrote another letter saying, yeah the exact thing happened to me too, and now the story about this "mystery creature" is on the front page of 7days.

Maybe these are just rare freak accidents, but I usually go to the beach every weekend and this has put me off from going a bit. According to some marine biologists, all the offshore construction might be displacing some of the sea creatures which normally live further out at sea. Bummer.